Friday 4 January 2013

Windows Live Writer Test 5

This is a test link to another blog. Click here.

Windows Live Writer test 4


This is my latest test of photo size and border change.

Windows Live Writer test 3

Ok so lets try a picture increased in size through WLR and change the border if we can.


Windows Live Writer test 2

Well that was easy and it looked ok, so now time for a couple of photo’s.
So how does the spacing look?

Windows Live Writer test.

This is a test to see what a post looks like when it’s written Windows Live Writer.

First test of 2013

Writing a blog in Blogger can be a bit of a pain.
If you cut and paste text from Word then the text size and font style can go for a ball of chalk, and sometimes the space between pictures is really hard to adjust accurately.
So I'm going to give Windows Live Writer a try so look out for a disaster in my next post on this Blog!